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Presentation Secondary School, Ballyphehane, host ‘Sharing of educational journey, CAW school video & Scholarships.’

22 November 2021 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

Monday 22nd November:
At the beginning of the school day, teachers will share the schools College Awareness Week video in class & then share their educational journey with the class. The school runs in an in house scholarship for junior & senior cycle students in remembrance of a former Guidance Counsellor in the school. Applications are made through an application form resembling UCC’s scholarship programme.


22 November 2021
8:00 am - 5:00 pm


Event organiser contact name
Aoife Coughlan
Organisation email
[email protected]
Who are you?
Guidance Counsellor
Audience Category
Secondary level – all
I consent to the use of this data in line with the College Awareness Week Privacy Notice
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presentation Ballyphehane
Joe murphy Road
Cork City, Ireland
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