Inspire the Next Generation!
A community-based mentoring programme sharing information and advice about college experiences to help prospective students. Scroll to the bottom of this page to access our free training modules!
Become a Community Mentor and Inspire the Next Generation!
The Community Mentoring (CM) programme is a unique inter-institutional and community-based mentoring programme that is comprised of Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art Design and Technology (IADT), Marino Institute of Education (MIE), National College of Art and Design (NCAD), Royal College of Surgeons (RCSI), Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and University College Dublin (UCD).
Who is a Community Mentor?
Community Mentors are a valuable community resource, who can help to share information and advice about their college experience, to help prospective students build their awareness of college courses, how to apply, and the benefits of a college education. Community Mentors are drawn from the following under-represented groups at third-level:
- Mature students
- Further education and training (FET) entrant
- Under-represented socio-economic group
- HEAR (Higher Education Access Route) students
- Students with a disability
- Students from an ethnic minority group
- Lone parents
- 1916 bursary recipients
What is the aim of Community Mentoring?
While Community Mentoring will increase mentees’ confidence in relation to higher education, Community Mentoring ultimately, at the highest-level, aims to improve the levels of diversity in higher education and increase equity of access for all communities in Dublin.
The application to become a Community Mentor for 2024-2025 is now open.

Community Mentoring resources are free to any educational organisation to download
Community Mentor Training
Click the images below to start your training.

Alternative Formats

Alternative Formats
For further information on how to participate in the Community Mentoring programme, please contact Molly: Project Coordinator at [email protected]