Event Series College Awareness Week

College Awareness Week

The Curragh Post Primary School Mcswineyy rd, The Curragh, Co. Kildare, The Curragh, Kildare, Ireland

Our College Awareness Week is focussing on post-secondary opportunities and will have 4 display stands in the lunchrooms - one for each pathway post Leaving Cert. Our 2nd year and 3rd years are working on a career project that will be displayed that week in the school corridors - this is in poster format. We...


College Awareness Week

The Curragh Post Primary School Mcswineyy rd, The Curragh, Co. Kildare, The Curragh, Kildare, Ireland

TYs are making badges and signs of the colleges that all the staff have attended. These will be displayed by the staff on 21st and 22nd November. 5th and 6th years will have a quiz about colleges and careers with prizes given out. We have a guest speaker coming in to talk to students about...


GTI Advanced Aesthetics Charity Fund Raiser

Galway Technical Institute Father Griffin Road, Galway, Ireland

Students from GTI Advanced Aesthetics Course will offer facial treatments and massage to clients and all proceeds will go to the student's chosen charity


Careers Speed Meet – LCA

Coláiste Bríde , Clondalkin , Ireland

Leaving Cert Applied students - Careers Speed meet. Guest speakers from 15 various career backgrounds. Students will speak to the guests of their choice about the education and career journeys

Careers Fair

Senior cycle students attending careers fair. First Years -Subject Choice from taster group -input from teachers and senior cycle students.

St Columbas Comprehensive Glenties

College Awareness Week – Join Us for a Week of Discovery! Explore your future with engaging events and valuable insights! Get involved in College Bingo, Kahoot quizzes, and scavenger hunts led by TY students Parents & Guardians of 5th & 6th years are invited to a Third-Level Progression Talk on Nov 21 at 6:30 PM...

TU Dublin Campus Tour

All 5th Years and LCA1 students will attend the Tallaght Campus of TUDublin

STEAM in Youthreach Expos NORTH/WEST EXPO, 14.11.24 – University of Galway, Galway

NYCI are delighted to announce the upcoming STEAM in Youthreach Expos as part of the Full STEAM Ahead! programme this autumn/winter! This is a great opportunity for students in Youthreach and Community Training Centres to experience and get hands-on with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) activities and workshops they may not have had a...

Trinity College- Pathways

Our Ladys College, Greenhills,, Drogheda Louth, Ireland

Clodagh Byrne and past pupil Precious will highlight the wonderful pathway of further education to Trinity.

Whidden Workshops; It’s Kushti To Rokker (WWKR)

Online , Ireland

Join our panel of current Traveller & Roma college students on Zoom for an informative to chat about their journeys through education. You can explore the pathways and supports available to you. Register bit.ly/WWKRCAW2024


Gormanston College, College Awareness Week Activities

Activities College Awareness Week information hunt - Prizes for the best entries. All years. Entry Forms in the Front Hall. Find your answers from the school guidance webpage, information display in the study hall and by talking to your teachers about their college experiences. 1st years mini career investigations in IT skills classes 5th year...

College4Kids Clonmel

TUS Anna Murphy,, Ireland

The TUS College4Kids programme invites students from our partner schools on to our TUS campuses to embark on a experiential visit that allows the students to sample the university environment. The main objectives of the College4Kids programme are: To introduce participants and their families to the higher education environment To provide young people with a...

Law event in SETU Carlow

Ty students have the opportunity to go to SETU to work with the Law Dept on a 'Mock trial"

College Awareness Week

Ramsgrange Community School Ramsgrange Community School, Ramsgrange, Wexford, Ireland

Various events will take place throughout the week here at RCS to promote college going culture across all year groups.

Maynooth University School Talk with Tullamore College

Tullamore College Riverview, Tullamore, Co Offaly, Ireland

Maynooth University School Talk We were delighted to be joined by Kay Mitchell from Maynooth University who spoke to all of our 5th Year students about what is required at 3rd level and everything on offer in Maynooth University.

KWETB College Awareness Week

KWETB KWETB, Wicklow, Ireland

This year we are trying a new approach. Colleges will present mainly online, with some onsite visits meaning that all sites in Wicklow, Kildare can come together to meet colleges. This is also to support our green agenda by cutting down on the corban footprint of travel

College Awareness Week Creagh College

Creagh College Gorey, Co. Wexford, Ireland

Various events and activities for all year groups throughout CAW promoting colleges and further education routes.


Shaping a brighter future for our young people 2024

OLM Mourne Road, Dublin 12, Dublin, Ireland

During College Awareness Week, we will be hosting speakers, workshops, a past-pupil panel, mock interviews and a careers fair with 20+ exhibitors attending. The speakers, both from industry and academy, will give talks on college courses, businesses and career paths, Motivational talks will also be given to classes from across all year groups.

Borris College

Borris Vocational School , Ireland

The TY CAW team have organised various events and activities that will happen throughout the week such as college guest speakers, career talks, and the 6th years will attend the Maynooth Open Day on Friday 22nd.


BCC College Awareness Week

A variety of events over the course of the week 1st Years - My Dream Job. 2nd Years - Research College Prospectuses 3rd Years - Talk with 6th Years - Subject Choice & CAO TY - Make Graduation Hats/College research. Trip to TUD Open Day 14th 5th years - Trip to Maynooth University Open Day...


Professor Fluffy ‘Design a Bookmark Competition’

Access UCC, University College Cork Access UCC First Floor, The Hub, Main Campus, UCC, T12 YF78, Cork, Ireland

Professor Fluffy is an initiative aimed at increasing awareness and engagement with further and higher education. Delivered through the PLUS Programme (Providing Links to Underrepresented School Leavers), the Professor Fluffy Programme reaches linked DEIS Primary Schools via classroom workshops and campus visits. The Bookmark Competition serves as a way to engage all 28 DEIS primary...

Celebrating LCFE during College Awareness Week

Longford College of Further Education Battery Road,, Longford, Ireland

During the week, Longford College of Further Education will be focusing on wellbeing, guest speakers, celebrating past and present learners and preparation for the future of our learners. Each day we will have something different to focus on. We will also celebrate via Social Media.


CAW Activities at St. Mary’s Holy Faith Glasnevin

St Mary's Holy Faith Glasnevin Old Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11, Ireland

Whole School If I wasn't a Teacher.... - Video in which teachers tell students what career path they'd have taken if they weren't a teacher! 6th Year Past-Pupil Role Models - Current 6th Years students will meet with a panel of past-pupils, to learn about their diverse career paths in Accounting & Auditing, Education, Engineering...

College of FET Mulgrave Street Campus Celebrates #CAW2024

College of FET Mulgrave Street Campus

There are many events taking place in Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board #ETBSchools and #CollegeOfFET campuses for College Awareness Week 2024 which encourages students to explore the many education pathways available after secondary school.

FIT (Fastrack Into Information Technology) Various Exhibitions and Career Talks at Career Awareness Week 2024

Various Anna Murphy,, Ireland

FIT (Fastrack Into Information Technology) is a representative organisation of the technology sector committed to growing Ireland’s tech talent pipeline. Working in close collaboration with national education and training provision, national and regional development agencies and community organisations, FIT’s mission is to promote an inclusive and sustainable smart economy, ensuring access to in-demand tech skills...

Event Series College Awareness Week

College Awareness Week

Colaiste Chiarain Skagh, Croom, Limerick, Ireland

Interviews with parents and past pupils from our school community regarding their college experience and current role/profession. Interviews and panel discussion with teachers regarding their college experience Match the college and the teacher - daily quiz for junior and senior students (students submit an answer into a box and a daily winner will be drawn)....


College of FET Mulgrave Street Campus

College of FET Mulgrave Street Campus

College of FET MSC will host a variety of events over College Awareness Week covering the following themes: The FET Journey The Learner Experience Progression & Careers

College exhibition

athlone community coll Retreat rd, Athlone, Ireland

Ty teams if students will showcase different colleges in exhibition format and will go round to junior classes also.

College Awareness Week

athlone community coll Retreat rd, Athlone, Ireland

Lunchtime quiz for Junior Cycle students Vlogs of former students Hall of Fame in the main area for the school College of the Day announcement In class activities

Event Series CBS High School Clonmel

CBS High School Clonmel

High school Clomel Kickham Street, Clonmel, Co.Tipperary, X91AC03, Ireland

"My College Story" Teachers: Teachers take 10 minutes of their class time to speak about their college experience and share some advice with students about college, sharing something that they wish someone had told them before they started college. Display: A wall display where teachers and staff share their own college journeys, degrees, and career...


OLG College Awareness Week

Speakers from Universities, Careers in series of talks in every subject area delivers by teachers, find the teacher who… college and qualification quiz for 1st years , 1st and 6th year sit down (1st years interview 6th years about future plans) morning.talk on future pathways including FET, Higher Ed, Tertiary Degrees, and apprenticeships. Key Word...

Parents and local industry will present their college journey & Teacher videos on their college experience

Parents and local industry (e.g. Sure Tank, Dunleer, St John Of God's Dumcarr) are presenting their college experience, and opportunities to students from Junior and Senior cycle school. During tutor time and Wellbeing time students are presented with a short video on staff's college experience etc. Display fo various staff members college experiences.

Coolmine CS Week of Events

Coolmine Community School , Ireland

Event Time Table for Coolmine Community School

CAW – Tallaght Community School

Tallaght Community School Balrothery, Dublin 24, Ireland

Tallaght Community School Calendar of Events: Monday, November 18th TUD Tallaght Science Taster Workshop (5th years) – 10am-12pm (16 students) Business & Accounting Legal & General Investment Management Talk (5th-year students) – 10.55am-11.55am.1 TUD Talk (All 6th years) – 11.55am-12.55pm. ETB/Apprenticeships Talk (LCA 5 & 6) – 1.55pm-2.55pm. Trinity / HEAR / TAP Talk (All...


Mungret Community College Limerick, Ireland

We have a number of guest speakers coming throughout the week.

Staff College Info

Displaying staff college information, advice and highlights on the general screen during the week for all students.

Alumni Alma Mater

Carndonagh Community School

Our classroom door poster detail where staff went to college. Updated or created as necessary each year during this week.

Who Went Where in 2024?

Carndonagh Community School

Our annual display of where the Leaving Certificate class in 2024 went to college

Celebration CAW with Adult Learners @MSLETB, Quay St., Sligo

A range of activities throughout the week including: mature entry talk from ATU and visit to ATU Sligo campus webinar on Women in Tech. visit to Sligo Training Centre and Sligo College of Further Education industry talk from Lee hotels regarding careers in hospitality.

Dream Job Worksheets, College Talk, College Visit

Ballybay Community College Ballybay, Co, Monaghan, Ireland

Various Events for all Year-groups. All Junior Cycle and TY students will complete a Dream Job worksheet, which will be displayed in school. All teachers will talk about their college route with their classes, A college talk - St. Patrick's Pontifical University A college visit - DKIT


College Awareness Week 2024

sandford Park School Ranelagh, Dublin, Dublin 6, Ireland

College Awareness Week


Planning for University Information Sessions

Various Anna Murphy,, Ireland

Throughout College Awareness Week, TUS, UL, and MIC Access Services will partner with a number of secondary schools across Limerick City and County to facilitate information sessions to support parents/guardians of students in senior cycle. These sessions are in conjunction with partners and not open to the public.

Recognition of Prior Learning in Higher Education

This year, College Awareness Week aligns with the inaugural National Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Month, which emphasises the potential of RPL to recognise prior experiences and skills. The National RPL Project is partnered with 14 Higher Education Institutions nationwide. Many of the institutions are hosting a variety of events to highlight RPL and support...

Teachers sharing their College experiences

Kildare Town Community School Dunmurry Rd, Crockanure Glebe,, Co. Kildare,, Co Kildare, Ireland

Teachers' and SNA's classroom doors will highlight their Alma Maters and the title of their degrees/ qualifications. Students will be encouraged to ask their teachers about theri college experiences. There will be a quiz at breaktime with small prizes for students if they can name who went where? What a specific teacher studied etc


GETSS College Awareness Week

Gorey Educate Together Secondary School Fort Road, Gorey, Co. Wexford, Ireland

A week long whole school programme with various events to promote college awareness among our students.

Careers Fair

St Anne's Secondary School, Tipperary Town , Ireland

A careers fair will take place in our school assembly hall. All classes will get the opportunity to attend. Neighbouring schools will also attend.


Women In Technology – Webinar

Zoom Webinar

This is a Webinar from female engineers working in the technology sector. Whats is like to work in Tech ? Can you have a work life balance working in Tech ? Is the salary good ? Do you have to travel much ? All will be answered - Come join us by registering at https://forms.gle/CTQtuV6EdC9NDZ7A6


The Travelling Community Teaching Resource Webinar

Online , Ireland

Attention teachers - Join us for a Webinar with Annmarie Collins, teacher and author of the Travelling Community Teaching Resource. Annmarie will discuss practical tips and share free practical resources for incorporating the resource into your teaching.


TUD Tallaght Science Taster Workshop

TU Tallaght Tallaght, Co Dublin, CO.DUBLIN, Ireland

16 students get the opportunity to visit TUD science facilities and participate in a college level workshop

Maynooth University School Talk

Tullamore College

We were delighted to have Kay Mitchell from Maynooth University speak to all our 5th Year students about what is required at 3rd level and everything Maynooth University has to offer.

Maynooth University School Talk

Tullamore College

We were delighted to have Kay Mithchell from Maynooth University speak to all our 5th Year students about what is required at 3rd level and everything Maynooth University has to offer.

Street Law Programme with TY students

A group from TY from CBS Carlow have been invited to participate in a Street Law Programme in SETU on the Carlow Campus. Facilitated by Law Lecturer Sadhb Reddy, TY students will work with SETU Law students in an engaging and interactive way on contemporary legal topics.

University of Galway and Shannon College of Hotel management Information Stands

V95 KT95 Limerick and Clare Education & Training Board, Further Education & Training, Ennis Campus, Clon Road., Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland

University of Galway and Shannon College of Hotel management Information Stands at the Further Education and Training Campus on Clon Road, Ennis Co. Clare V95 KT 95.


Planning for the Future

TUS Anna Murphy,, Ireland

TUS Midwest Access Service are partnering with St. Clement's College to facilitate a 'Planning for the Future' workshop with 6th year students.. Through an interactive workshop, the session will explore with the group options around their next steps after secondary school and seek to match their strengths and interests with a future career path. This...

Quantity Surveying Talk

Our Ladys College, Greenhills,, Drogheda Louth, Ireland

A past pupil Niamh Mc Culluogh will share her insights onto the world of Quantity Surveying,

Staff Spotlight

loreto college Mullingar Harbour Road Mullingar Westmeath, Mullingar, Ireland

Staff Q&A about life after leaving cert and the route they took to where they are today.

HEAR/DARE Information session at Mayfield Community school

Mayfield Community School

HEAR/DARE Information session at Mayfield Community school delivered by Access UCC informing students on the different pathways to university and the various supports available.

Homework Club Assistive technology training session

Access UCC, University College Cork Access UCC First Floor, The Hub, Main Campus, UCC, T12 YF78, Cork, Ireland

The Homework club is a voluntary programme supported by university students to aid Junior cycle students in DEIS schools with their homework. DEIS students have the opportunity to ask university students questions about university life and different college courses. This programmes supports DEIS students by not only encouraging them to do their homework but by...

TUS Midwest Access Service – Study Club

TUS Anna Murphy,, Ireland

Members of the TUS Midwest Study Club will be on Moylish campus to celebrate College Awareness Week. The session will include academic support, information on progression options, and student supports. This event is not open to the public.

TUS Midwest Access Service – Transition to Higher Education

TUS Anna Murphy,, Ireland

Students on the TUS Certificate in Transition to Higher Education programme celebrate College Awareness Week. The session will include information on progression options, student supports, and opportunities for study. Guest speakers will join us on the day to share their experiences of studying at TUS. This event is not open to the public.

College Awareness Day

Kerry College, Listowel Campus Kerry College - Listowel Campus Unit 1, Listowel Business Development Centre, Listowel Business Park, Clieveragh, Listowel, Listowel, Kerry, Ireland

An event to support our students, thinking about progression, offering information on preparing for and going to college.


College Awareness Week at Presentation Ballingarry

Presentation Secondary School Ballingarry Ballingarry, Thurles, Munster, Ireland

Our college awareness week focuses on the many pathways available to our students when they finish their post primary education. Junior Cycle will focus more on the language around college and their future hopes and dreams.

Access Seminar

Ramsgrange Community School Ramsgrange Community School, Ramsgrange, Wexford, Ireland

6th year and LCA2 students will have the option to 'drop-in' to our access seminar. Here, they will hear about all of the options available to them when applying to third level. For example, HEAR, DARE, Reach (SETU), 1916 Bursary, SUSI Grant and various scholarships.

Prepare for College Workshop with TU dublin in Marino College

marino college 14-20 marino mart, dublin, dublin, Ireland

Join TU Dublin for an interactive "Preparing for College" event at Marino College, designed to equip prospective students with essential tools for a successful transition to college life. The event will cover key topics including study skills, effective time management, and strategies for navigating academic challenges. Additionally, sessions on well-being and stress reduction will provide...

Professor Fluffy Programme – Scoil Oilibhéir UCC visit

Access UCC, University College Cork Access UCC First Floor, The Hub, Main Campus, UCC, T12 YF78, Cork, Ireland

5th Class students from Scoil Oilibhéir will visit the Access UCC schools outreach team and take part in the Professor Fluffy Programme Roadshow. Students will enjoy their 1st lecture in university, meet college students, visit the Boole Library & a campus tour!

DARE HEAR Online Talk

Zoom Webinar
Virtual Event Virtual Event

🚨 Save the Date: DARE HEAR Online Talk 🚨 We are delighted to announce that Irish Universities Association Access, in collaboration with College Awareness Week (CAW) and the National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD), will be hosting an online DARE HEAR Talk for all senior cycle students across the country as a hashtag#CAW2024...


Liberties College Bull Alley Street,, Dublin 8,, Dublin, Ireland

The principal and staff wish to invite students from Community Education Dublin City and Youthreah to visit the college during College Awareness Week to learn about our courses, tour the campus, and discover progression options for further study. Please take time to visit our College Website https://libertiescollege.ie/ to view our courses, and departments. If you...


College Awareness Week 2024, ATU St. Angela’s College: Inspiring Future Pathways for 2nd Year Secondary Students

St. Angela's College, Sligo Lough Gill, Sligo

As part of the National College Awareness Week across Ireland we are excited to announce a series of events aimed at helping students explore the opportunities that further education can offer. This initiative is particularly geared toward students from diverse backgrounds who may not have previously considered college as a pathway ensuring they gain valuable...

MTU Access Service Mature Student and QQI Information Session

Cork College of FET- Tramore Road Campus Tramore Road, Cork, Ireland

An information session will be held by the MTU Cork Campus Mature Student Officer in Cork College of FET Tramore Road Campus for current level 5 & 6 QQI students wishing to progress to MTU as Mature or QQI applicants for entry in September 2025. Recognition of Prior Learning as well as Student Finance will...


Pathways to University for Adult Learners

College of Further Education and Training, O'Connell Avenue, Limerick City. V94W651 O'Connell Avenue, Limerick City, Ireland

A talk by local universities for FET adult learners currently attending part-time programmes in Limerick City on the pathways in to University. Also the opportunity for learners to hear from current mature student on their learning journey in university.

Information, Recruitment & Guidance Support Service Information Stand.

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board College of Further Education and Training Ennis Campus Clon Road Business Park, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland

Information, Recruitment & Guidance Support Service Information Stand in the LCETB FET Ennis Campus Clon Rd 11am to 1pm 19/11/24. Info, advice, guidance, discussion on course options.


Community Learning Fair

Trinity College Dublin , Ireland

This event is aimed at anyone who is curious about how to return to education and training, who may have unanswered questions about fees, courses, requirements and support. We will showcase the various supports available along the path to education, including finances. TAP staff and other Community Learning experts will be available with advice and...

Careers Fair

marino college 14-20 marino mart, dublin, dublin, Ireland

Join us for an exciting Careers Fair at Marino College, where students can explore a wide range of career paths and speak directly with professionals from multiple industries. This event offers a unique opportunity for students to learn about various professions, ask questions, and gain insights into potential career options. Representatives from fields like healthcare,...


Recognition of Prior Learning and Tertiary at IADT

IADT Dún Laoghaire

IADT will be joined by students from the Southside Traveller Action Group TASK Programme on Tuesday the 19th of November for an information session on the Recognition of Prior Learning and Tertiary. This event is in collaboration with IADTs Access Officer, Tertiary Officer, and N-TUTORR. Students will learn about RPL as an access route, opportunities...

NUIM talk

Talk for 5th and 6th years at lunchtime Talk for all TYs at 2.30 pm

MCC College/Careers Fair

Mungret Community College Limerick, Ireland

We are holding our first ever careers fair in our new school. We will have universities - UL, TUS, MTU, the NTO, FET and local industries attend. TY, 5th & 6th years will all attend.

Speed Careers

Members if Community from a variety of careers will meet with 2nd year students. They have 3 mins to tell them about their careers and for students to ask questions. When the three minutes are up the students move on. Students complete a report afterwards.


Transition from 2nd to 3rd level education

Zoom Webinar

This will be a 30-40 minute information session delivered on zoom for parents or children of school leaving age (we hope to deliver this session live but also to record it). This is designed to support members (and their parents) of SBHI who have Spina Bifida and or Hydrocephalus with gaining info and creating awareness...



St Pauls Secondary School, Greenhills Greenhills, Dublin 12, Dublin, Ireland

Closed event for students only.

Past Pupil Panel

Past pupils come back to speak to our 6th year students about their experience of college since leaving. 6/7 students on the panel. Q+A afterwards.


TUS Athlone School Visit

Tullamore College

Our 5th Year students were very fortunate to be visited today by Sarah Denby, School Liason for TUS Athlone. Thanks to Sarah for delivering a very informative talk.

Wicklow Careers Fair Kilcoole Wednesday 20th November 9am to 1pm

Colaiste Chraobh Abhann, Kilcoole are hosting Wicklow Careers Fair on Wednesday 20th November 2024 All the major national universities, local colleges of further education, SOLAS, KWETB, Apprenticeship training colleges, state training bodies will be present at the Careers Fair (a list of participants is below) in the Sports Hall. Students at three other secondary schools...

HEAR/DARE information session for St. Paul’s Community College

Presentation Secondary School

HEAR/DARE Information session for Presentation school Waterford delivered by Access UCC allows for students to learn about the different pathways to UCC and the various supports available while in university.

TAP Mentoring Programme

Beaufort College Trim Road, Navan, Ireland

A bespoke session with senior students & mentors from the TAP

Terence MacSwiney Community College Career Fair

Terence MacSwiney Community College

Access UCC provided a HEAR information stand for the Career fair for Terence MacSwiney Community College. Students get the opportunity to ask questions and speak with an informed persons about their HEAR application. This event enables students to receive information about college supports and become more college aware.

Females in Tech Expo

Green Isle Hotel, Dublin St John's Dr, Newlands Cross, Dublin 22, D22 F9F4, Dublin, Ireland

FIT's Females in Tech Expo is taking place on Wednesday the 20th of November in the Green Isle Hotel, Dublin The annual Expo brings together leading companies, industry experts, and inspiring female role models to engage directly with female students, sharing insights into diverse career paths such as cybersecurity, cloud computing, AI, software development, and...


TAP Ambassadors Talk

Coláiste Bríde , Clondalkin , Ireland

Introduction to HEAR/DARE/SUSI and TAP Foundation Programme

Event Series Open mic

Open mic

st marys college Baldoyjd, Dublin, Ireland

20 people interviewed on stage aboit their career path All school attend


Funny Irish Writers: An Introduction (Lifelong Learning Taster Lecture)

National Library of Ireland National Library of Ireland,, 7/8 Kildare Street,, Dublin 2,, Ireland

Join us for a free taster lecture with Lifelong Learning tutor Dr David McKinney in the National Library of Ireland. What is Irish humour? What makes it distinct from the humour of other cultures? How has it developed over time? And why does Ireland, in particular, seem to have produced so many witty, original, and...


Career-College Fair

St Brendan's Community School, Birr Birr, Co Offaly, Offaly, Ireland

An opportunity for students and parents to explore career pathways through university, further education, apprenticeship and training.

Access Information evening

The Hub, Univesity College Cork College Road, Cork, Cork, Ireland

The access information evening supports provide students with information on the various pathways to university such as HEAR/DARE, QQI and Mature. Students would receive the opportunity to meet staff for a one-to-one consultation, learn about supports offered in university and receive advise on the application process.


Loreto College Crumlin Crumlin Road, DUBLIN 12, Ireland

Closed Event for Students Only


mercy secondary school inchicore Thomas Davis Street West Inchicore, Dublin 8, Ireland

Closed Event for Students Only


Holy Child Community School Sallynoggin

Closed Event for Students only


Kylemore College

Closed Event for Students

Agricultural Science, SETU

Scoil Aireagail, Ballyhale, Co. Kilkenny Ballyhale, Kilkenny, KK, Ireland

Representatives from Agricultural Science, SETU, Waterford, will talk to 5th year students in Scoil Aireagail, Ballyhale


Business subject choice & Careers

De La Salle College, Waterford Newtown, Waterford, Ireland

Talk from SETU Business Dept of LC Subjects and linking with Business careers.

ATU Galway Campus Visit

Visit to ATU Galway campus by group from Roscommon Local Area Employment Services.


TUS Athlone Campus Taster Day

TUS Athlone Campus University Road, Athlone, Westmeath, Ireland

The TUS Athlone Campus is excited to welcome over 100 students from St. Joseph's, Rochfortbridge, for an engaging Taster Day! Students will have the chance to explore and experience sessions from a range of faculties based on their areas of interest. In addition to these hands-on learning opportunities, they'll participate in a team-building activity designed...

Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education Open Day

Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education, Coolock Campus, D17T227 Barryscourt Road, Coolock, Dublin 17, Leinster, Ireland

CDCFE invites you to their Open Day on Thursday November 21st from 10am-3pm, Coolock campus. All are welcome to attend. The Coláiste Dhúlaigh Open Day takes place from 10am-3pm on Thursday 21st November, during College Awareness Week in CDCFE’s Coolock campus, Barryscourt Road. The day promises an action-packed programme of events, with interactive workshops and...

The University of Galway Secondary School visit GCC PLC College

The University of Galway Secondary School Outreach team will visit GCC PLC College on Thursday 21st November from 10:30am until 12:30pm. This will give students an insight into HEAR and DARE access routes and the work of the Access Centre team.

Mary Immaculate College Limerick Information Stand

Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board College of Further Education and Training Ennis Campus Clon Road Business Park, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland

Mary Immaculate College Limerick Information Stand and QQI pathways to MIC presentation.


HEAR/DARE information session for St. Patrick’s Community College

St Patricks College, Cork Gardiners Hill, Cork, Cork, Ireland

HEAR/DARE Information session for St. Patrick's Community College delivered by Access UCC allows for students to learn about the different pathways to UCC and the various supports available while in university.

MTU Access Service Mature Student and QQI Information Session

An information session will be held by the MTU Cork Campus Mature Student Officer in Cork College of FET Douglas Street Campus for current level 5 & 6 QQI students wishing to progress to MTU as Mature or QQI applicants for entry in September 2025. Recognition of Prior Learning as well as Student Finance will...


Career fair for St. Colman’s College Midelton

St. Colman's Community College Old Youghal Road,, Midleton, Cork, Munster, Ireland

The access information evening supports provide students with information on the various pathways to university such as HEAR/DARE, QQI and Mature. Students would receive the opportunity to meet staff for a one-to-one consultation, learn about supports offered in university and receive advise on the application process.


marino college 14-20 marino mart, dublin, dublin, Ireland

Closed Event for Students Only.


St Josephs Fairview

Closed Event for students only.

Maynooth University Open Days

Maynooth University North Campus, Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland

Maynooth University Undergraduate Open Days Join us on campus for our Open Days: Friday 22nd Nov from 9am-1pm / Saturday 23rd Nov from 10am-2pm Sample the uniqueness of MU and find answers to all your questions about our degrees, supports, student life and more. Free buses to Saturday's Open Day from a range of locations....

‘WalkWays with City of Dublin ETB’ Official Video Launch

Warrenmount Adult Education Centre Mill St, Dublin 8, Ireland

This event is being held to celebrate the official launch of our promotional video for the 'WalkWays with City of Dublin ETB' programme. 'WalkWays with City of Dublin ETB' is a collaborative programme from WALK and South Inner-City Adult Education Service, City of Dublin ETB, which aims to support young adults with intellectual disabilities to...

Maynooth University Open Day

Sample the uniqueness of MU and find answers to all your questions about our degrees, supports, student life and more. Hear from the Maynooth University Access Programme about DARE and HEAR.

HEAR, DARE and TAP : a presentation from TCD ambassadors in Marino College

marino college 14-20 marino mart, dublin, dublin, Ireland

As part of Careers Week at Marino College, Trinity College Dublin's TAP Ambassadors will host an insightful session on the HEAR (Higher Education Access Route) and DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) programs. Aimed at Leaving Cert students, this talk will explore pathways to higher education. TAP Ambassadors will share valuable information on eligibility, application...

CAW Table Quiz

Colaiste Lorcain Main Street, Castledermot, Co. Kildare, Ireland

A Whole School Table Quiz with 5 rounds. Questions based on college courses, entry requirements, acronyms of universities, famous irish celebrities and where they studied


College awareness- blog session (real people and real jobs)

St kevins College Ballygall Rd East, Dublin 11, Dublin, Ireland

Students will watch a variety of pre recorded videos of people explaining their jobs and day to day duties, their pathways. benefits and what can be difficult. it is to promote diversity and get students thinking.


Past Pupil College Fair (Collaboration between Assumption Secondary School and Drimnagh Castle Secondary School)

Assumption Secondary School, Walkinstown , Ireland

15-20 past pupils represent the college they went to. Students walk around and chat with past pupils about their college experience and their experience of the course they studied. We have past pupils lined up that went to DCU, UCD, MU, IADT, NCI, TCD, Queens University etc and from disciplines as varied as Pharmaceutical Science,...


Past Pupils School Visit

St Anne's Secondary School, Tipperary Town , Ireland

Many past pupils will return on Friday, November 22nd to talk to as many students as possible about their college courses.


Physics Master Revision


Physics Master Revision delivered by the UCC's school of education for Leaving Cert students from DEIS schools.

Maynooth University Open Days

Maynooth University North Campus, Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland

Maynooth University Undergraduate Open Days Join us on campus for our Open Days: Friday 22nd Nov from 9am-1pm / Saturday 23rd Nov from 10am-2pm Sample the uniqueness of MU and find answers to all your questions about our degrees, supports, student life and more. Free buses to Saturday's Open Day from a range of locations....

IADT Open Day

IADT Dún Laoghaire

Join us for our CAO Open Day to find out what makes IADT unique. o Explore our growing campus of the Creative Industries o Visit our studios and take a tour of the National Film School o Chat to our Student Ambassadors and find out what studying at IADT is really like o Attend talks,...

College4Kids Thurles

The TUS College4Kids programme invites students from our partner schools on to our TUS campuses to embark on a experiential visit that allows the students to sample the university environment. The main objectives of the College4Kids programme are: To introduce participants and their families to the higher education environment To provide young people with a...

College Awareness Week

Promoting opportunities for after school.

College Talks

Scariff Community College Drewsboro, Scariff, Clare, Ireland

Talks from UL and TUS for Senior Cycle students


Colleges Fair

A number of local Universities, PLCs, Technical Universities are visiting our Creagh College for a Colleges Fair. They will spend the afternoon speaking with our Senior Cycle students giving them information about their college.

STEAM in Youthreach Expos EAST EXPO, 03.12.24 – DCU, Dublin

NYCI are delighted to announce the upcoming STEAM in Youthreach Expos as part of the Full STEAM Ahead! programme this autumn/winter! This is a great opportunity for students in Youthreach and Community Training Centres to experience and get hands-on with STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Maths) activities and workshops they may not have had a...