Renowned Immunologist Luke O’Neill to Join CAW 2020 Launch
CAW is delighted to have renowned Immunologist, Luke O’Neill as a CAW Champion. Professor O’Neill will be joining Simon Harris TD, Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, to launch CAW 2020 on Monday, 23 November. Professor O’Neill wrote to us here in CAW HQ with a very inspiring message:

“We’re living in difficult times with COVID19 but we will come out of this together. And education is a big part of that. Now more than ever our Universities are needed and you can come and join us – we need the next generation. You can come and learn to be any number of things that are essential for our future. If we all work together we will get through COVID19 and beyond into the future.”
Recent months saw Professor O’Neill guide the nation through the COVID19 pandemic with his expert guidance. This endorsement of CAW and his rousing call-to-action for potential college-goers puts the educational possibility of CAW centre stage and looks not only to this year’s CAW events but also to the future generations of CAW too. Professor O’Neill has been a long-term advocate of education. We’re proud to announce him as a 2020 CAW champion but also delighted to include him in our CAW community.